Private Shopping Events - Giving Back to Nonprofits
Equestrian Living and Equestrian Giving-It’s who we are and what we do!
At Vanner House, we believe in giving back to our equestrian communities. We know equine nonprofits are doing so many amazing things... usually on shoe string budgets, and we understand that every little “Bit” helps.
That's why we offer private or "at the horse show" shopping events where 10% of all sales are donated to a non-profit of the host's choice. We offer these events at all of our horse show booths and at private barns and homes. We also offer "virtual" shopping events. We provide you a shopping code to give to all of your friends and/or supporters to shop and10% goes back to your nonprofit.
It’s our small way of saying Thank YOU for doing all that you do!
Contact us to schedule your Giving Back Event!